Happy 20th birthday to myself.
I appreciate everything that's been given to me, either good or bad.
I appreciate everyone around me, either friend or so called 'unfriend'.
I appreciate that I was born to be me, because there is no one else like me.
I've made a wish, wish that everything is good, no sorrow and pain.
But the wind blew the flame away from me, because it knows it's impossible to live without sorrow and pain. So does it mean that I get another chance to make a wish?
If it's, I wish that every single effort that I've put in will be awarded.
It doesn't have to be a great award, but at least I get something in return, anything.
A smile, a thank you, a phone call, a kiss, a hug, a drink, you know, anything.
I'm not asking anything more that what I've put in, getting an award is an encouragement for me to continue putting in effort, to continue working hard.
That's what I'm thinking, and what I'm asking for.
I'm still not there, though.
Birthday wish, come true, please.
Time's been good, with shitty things happened.
Please do remember that no one was born to do you a favor, no one is supposed to help you out when you're in trouble, no one has a duty to take care of you forever, no one is required to back you up even when you are wrong and no one is responsible for your own fucking stupidity.
You were born with a brain so kindly make use of it and stop blaming someone else for your own naivety.
Let me get drunk and get rid of these.