Sunday, March 6, 2011


I who have exam phobia will be having assessment next week,
what is on my mind now?

I am lost, I am not sure if I'm right on what I am doing now.
I am afraid of failing,
result is always my only way to comfort myself,
to tell myself that I am not too bad,
to make myself feel a little bit better than others.

What if I fail this time?

I have been failing for 20 years of my life.
I'm a failure.

I think I start being harsh, to myself, and even others.
Sorry if I have provoked you, I couldn't help it.


  1. i think u r too stressed?
    chill lah~~

  2. I think so niii.
    Trying very hard to chill and I'll definitely be fine, MISS YOU AND WISH TO SEE YOU SOON! :D
