I'm here to wish myself Happy 19th Birthday.
I wish that everyone around me will have a better life, happy always and may all their dreams come true.
For myself, I wish that I could graduate and get a law degree successfully.
And the last one, well, everyone says that it should be a secret. =P
Anyway, I'm here to give you guys some update on my life here too.
It's much more better since Margaret and Theresa were here, we bought the groceries and prepare dinner every day.
Also, I can seek help from Margaret when I can't catch up with the lecture,
I can have lunch with her, not alone any more,
I have companion to walk around the campus etc etc,
so I'm feeling better, and of course, happier.
As you guys know, Margaret is a kind of person who can get along with people well.
She's chatty, knowledgeable and cute, I feel like I am getting closer with my floor mates since she was here. It's really delightful.
Between, I feel like she doesn't feel like eating here. She always complaining about how terrible the food is, how nice the Malaysian food is and how much she misses rice.
We're going to China Town to get RICE later so we'll probably having rice for dinner today~
And one more thing to share before I go,
I cleaned the kitchen just now, those am mo-s are all babies,
they can't even wash their own dishes well!
Anyway, I feel much more better after cleaning. 洁癖狂 ... =.=
fuiseh~u cleaned the kitchen?
what?! i cleaned it larh, but they made it dirty again T^T