Sunday, October 31, 2010

It just isn't feel right.

I am spending Halloween night in my room,
I have no mood to celebrate, to think about what am I going to be for party,
to try laughing, which I really don't want to...

Facing a terrible mood swing recently.
I am unhappy, with all the books and cases and tutorials and seminars.
I feel scared, when classmates could answer the questions,
could understand the lecturer, while I couldn't.

I really want to be good.
I am trying my very best to read, to understand, to answer.
I have been spending most of my time in the library,
which I would never do that during high school...
I start staying up late, I start having trouble sleeping,
I start feeling tired and sleepy and emotional.

Sorry, I know I should not complain.
Being a student, my only job is to study.
Studying hard is my only obligation, I have to be responsible.
But I just need a space to tell what I think, what I feel to make myself feel better.
There is no one I can talk to here, sometimes I feel bad and I need a hug.

I hate the feeling when I know my friend is sad but I can do nothing.

I need someone to listen to me;
I need a hug;
I need someone to tell me I will be fine;
I need someone to ask me not to cry;

Stop torturing me bastard.


  1. DAN DAN i understand ur feeling...we are in the same situation T.T
    me either...i dont have friends in class to talk with even just asking questions...
    uni totally different from high school!!
    i am not that enjoyed...
    just try ur best!support u always...=)

  2. T^T it's really hard...
    wish that everything will be ok ...

  3. Talk to me when u meet me on MSN =)
    Throw my hug to UK =D
    You'll be fine =]
    Don't cry ^^

    Try to be more socialize, be more active among your friends, show your guts to the public. These would helps in the circumstance. Time-needed to adapt and observe the difference. Study hard but smart. Stay relax and enjoy!

  4. T_____________T thank you teh alex!
    i will play hard while i'm studying ~
    it really takes time but i think that i will be fine :)

  5. =DD Cheer TAN DANDAN!
    Yea, just have fun and relax besides study.
    Of course you will be fine, lawyer =)


  7. What so touching till need to be fucking?
    I'm here always. *ngek ngek
